We also had a racist president who sold the public on racism in our society.

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Obama brought race issues back the day he took the stage and said that Trevon Martin could have been his son. We were past race issues. I lived through the race wars in the 60's in one of the most heated areas. We were brought up to like everyone no matter of their race, color or creed. We were also brought up to watch all people and beware of anyone bad of any race, color or creed. We have to stop this divide in our country. It's ruining America.

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How fitting that the 'age well' part includes a piece from Michelle Goldberg, who along with Malcolm Gladwell, badly lost a Munk debate over trust in the media. Her article is a priceless example of why skepticism of the press is necessary. I'm sure she later came back with a mea culpa, right? Right?

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2014 laid seeds for 2020 riots.

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