Oct 12, 2022Liked by Ken LaCorte

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Many of the doctors here in CA have been lying since Covid began. Mine included! They were told they would lose their job. When I asked my Dr if she would prescribe ivermectin if I contracted Covid? Her answer was, I can’t do that I could lose my job. She works for Providence Healthcare. The CDC, the Biden Admin, big Pharma , and Fauci are behind the lies. Sadly, all this does is bring a lack of trust into a Dr/patient relationship.

Many of my conservative friends have moved out of CA. Many of us would like to leave but stay for our kids and grandkids. CA is getting worse and I can honestly say, after living here my entire 63 years, that I don’t believe we are ever returning to the CA of COMMON SENSE!

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Have other states signed up to accept all of California laws or just climate crisis laws?

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They often get "inspired" by California, although given some of the state's exodus, maybe less so.

With cars, though, you're right .... the California market is so large that many manufacturers are willing to go along with Caifornia requirements. Other industries -- insurance and guns, for insance -- have seen a number of companies decide to stop selling here.

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