Via editting, blot out, delete, move to one side, refocus

By Legacy Media

& they wonder why they lose audience & respect

Go FNC, Go NewsMax

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Josef Stalin would be very proud of the New York Magazine.

Beginning some 90 years ago, Stalin targeted and purged lots of his fellow Soviets as “enemies of the state” and had them promptly executed, followed by some convenient “photoshopping” of official photos that had been taken with Stalin and his recently executed enemies.

See: https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/stalin-photo-manipulation-1922-1953/

The cropping out of other guests at this MAGA celebration is in the exact same vein as the heavily manipulated Stalin photos … all for the sake of pure political propaganda. How very Soviet of the New York Magazine!

The New York Magazine indeed deserves to go bankrupt. Perhaps the problem with the publisher is that he imagines he is actually existing in a real communist utopian state in which his publication (an American version of Pravda) could never go bankrupt, because it is a part of the state.

The NYM needs a heavy dose of reality, a swift kick in the ass, and then an immediate filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, there are undoubtedly too many limousine liberals and champagne socialists supporting such odious publications like the New York Magazine to keep it afloat for the indeterminate future. 🤨

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So sick of this shit

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I'm sure there was no nefarious intent behind the cropping. If there had been, why would they have run the uncropped photo inside? It makes no sense.

Their cover is vertical, so they had to crop the photo somehow. They did it in the way that makes the most sense compositionally. You get rid of the bare table and you get a composition that's split into three parts (photographers love threes): long tie on the right, bow tie in the middle, and triangular cluster of people on the left.

The "entire room is white" phrase was a direct quote from an attendee. The reporter hedged by saying "Almost everyone is white," indicating that some were not.

I'm paywalled off from reading the full article, so I can't vouch for it. But if we're looking for something to get outraged about, we have better options.

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Brought to us by the same people who claim, "If you ain't votin' for me, you ain't black"....

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