Media manipulates by Omission, commission of information

U look for certain facts of issue X & its NOT there

Pure Censorship

Deny, redirect, confuse, lie, is the Media tools

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You wrote: “First: missiles and attacks. There’s never been even a year of peace where Hamas or other groups in Gaza have refrained from shooting missiles into Gaza. Not just a handful, but thousands.”

Is that what you really meant, or am I not understanding something? Hamas shoots missiles into Gaza? Really? Don’t you mean they shoot missiles from Gaza into Israel?

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Did Ken write that or did someone mysteriously change the content when the email was sent? I'm not sure I trust anyone lately.

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Of course I can only vouch for what the email said as it appeared in my inbox. I suppose anything is possible, but what seems most likely is a simple mistake. He probably meant to write “from” but wrote “into” instead. I usually try to proofread my own emails before I send them and I’m often astonished at the flubs I catch. Even then I expect one gets through from time to time.

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Sorry for missing these! Yeah, I messed up and fixed it online. In the future, I'll put a little note there when I make a change.

Thanks for the catch!

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