Mar 8Liked by Ken LaCorte

Look at the videos of the 2020 riots fwd, then Defund police, then Bidens illegal immigration flood, retail vandals & thefts, Weak bias judges, for cases, 2 tier Justice

People are FED Up

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Mar 8Liked by Ken LaCorte

It's not hard to understand why places like San Francisco are returning to policies designed to bring about law and order. What's really hard to understand is the level of delusion that was required to abandon them in the first place! No rational, sane person would tell you that defunding the police or eliminating bail would result in less crime. Why this seemed like a good idea, I'm sure I'll never know.

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Mar 8Liked by Ken LaCorte

There’s not much rational or sane going on in this country lately!!!

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What is the breaking point for blue states and blue cities when it comes to endemic crime, homelessness, open-air public drug abuse, organized looting, closed and/or bankrupt businesses, and handcuffed police. Maybe … just maybe, these Democrat strangleholds are finally getting sick and tired of being sick and tired.

There is really only one way to go … vote out ALL Democrats. Vote out ALL progressives. The plain and simple truth is that progressivism is in reality … regressive. These progressive policies result in chaos, more broken lives, and widespread misery.

Unfortunately … the American electorate still needs to overcome Democrat Party machine politics. The corrupt and crony political machines infesting so much of our country rival that of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall from a past American era.

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Either that or we could balance common-sense law-and-order policies with respect for people's rights and individuality. That's harder work than one-party rule, but it's better than letting the pendulum swing from one extreme to the other. More American too. Smart moves, SF voters.

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Great piece Ken! And now if we can just get Social Media on board with this “newly evolving reality” and get them to stop blocking us from posting the truth!

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All part of The Great Awakening Plan. By the time November rolls around an historic number of voters will be voting MAGA. What we're seeing now in terms of the illegal alien violence is just the start. There is an invasion of young, military age men coming in through, and now over, the Southern border, funded by the Globalist Deep State with one purpose - to be used to carry out a second insurrection using this army because there is no way they will be able to steal this election, making the riots of 2020 look like a warm up, which it was. This time around the military and National Guard will be utilized to quell the violence and round up the participating illegals. The election, which they will be attempting to cancel, will be held, in all likelihood using the statutory paper ballot backup system and the overwhelming MAGA support will be documented in a free and fair election with devastating impact on the Globalist Deep State.

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