Jun 29, 2023Liked by Ken LaCorte

Anything can happen in 13 months, it's a long time and the situation is clearly volatile. Do I think Trump will escape conviction? As of right now, that seems highly unlikely, but stranger things have happened. Is it going to be Biden v. Trump for 2024? Sorry, I just don't see the Republican Party nominating him again without some serious fallout -- like the breakup of the party as the non-MAGA crowd votes with their feet and their wallets as has happened here in Michigan. Michigan's Republican Party foreshadows the future of the national Republican Party if Trump isn't put out to pasture by the time of the nomination.

We've had some serious stuff go down in this country over the past 9 years or so, starting with the police shooting of Michael Brown, COVID, the Trump presidency, the tensions with China, etc. I don't think the rollercoaster ride is anywhere near finished. Although people tend to always think they're living in the end of times -- paranoia is endemic to the human condition -- we've been through one hell of a decade, and just the aftermath alone is enough to guarantee unrest. Add anything new and unexpected to the mix and things get really tough to predict.

I just hope we're of a mind to look back on this a year from now, and not consumed with some other tragedy instead.

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For the people in the back, no one cares about the Ls, the Gs, or the Bs who want it both ways. It's the Ts, who can't work and play with anyone, including the other letters. And NBC embarrasses itself by doing something other than laughing at the claim that "the children" chant is something benign.

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I think that if our elections are fair Donald J. Trump will be our President again.

However....that is a BIG if

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They will keep coming after Trump until they can get him convicted of something... anything... it doesn't matter what. And even then, they won't stop until he and his entire movement is crushed. And even then they won't stop, they'll keep coming, because the Left is infused throughout with hatred of anything that threatens its power. So will he be convicted? I don't see how it's avoidable.

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The Tucker question is tricky because Twitter views aren't the same as Nielsen ratings. Twitter views include everyone who's seen the tweet in which the video is embedded -- even if they've scrolled right past it. Nielsen ratings gauge how many people are watching a given show in an "average minute." That's why Twitter views are always going to be inflated compared to Nielsen viewers.

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You're 100% right that it's hard to get apples-to-apples comparisons. Nielsen does provide total viewers to their clients, but they're rarely published publicly, and the TV clients don't view it as a meaningful stat.

Most online services count a view if it's on screen and playing for 3 seconds. Twitter sometimes shows the "shown in feed" number as well as the video views, but they've been changing things up a bit.

In any event, yes, the numbers are definitely higher -- 2x? more? -- than simultaneous viewer ratings on TV. Still a fun question, though, even if the answer's hard to determine.

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Our Future ahead:

Police State

ally to 666.

Hit by nuclear weapons


Anti Israel

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Stephen! I encourage you to have more faith in the resilience of America. We might just make it through ok. :)

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I do But damn sheeple & politics Bar OUR future ahead

I just went Extreme in predictions add yours

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Scary stuff, man. I know it's hard to be optimistic right now, but remember that at many points in American history people have predicted that things are going to hell in a handbasket, yet our country just keeps getting better.

That's what's so darn cool about America -- we're not bound by a shared ethnicity, a common culture, a nationalistic identity, a ruling dynasty, or anything else that can decay over time. We're based on a set of timeless ideas about freedom, self-governance and the rule of law. Freedom is inherently messy, but as long as we keep pursuing those ideals, tomorrow will be better than today.

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