We can blow the whistle ourselves as Biden has demonstrated he’s unfit to hold the Office of President. He represents a clear and present danger to our country for many reasons not the least of which is allowing our southern border to be wide open admitting anyone who dares to come, including known terrorists and gang members. However, we can blow the whistle all we want but, we have no control over removing him with the exception of voting him out. In the meantime, our country remains in grave danger. Congress also appears unwilling to act.

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I think it's time to vote all of the "older generation" out of office and vote in our non-woke youth. Anyone over 70 should retire. JFK brought fresh energy and hope to our country. "Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country." We all know how that turned out and it's been all downhill (especially our cities) ever since LBJ. Term limits in Congress should apply. Look at how Diane Feinstein ended her career. It's the older ones in Congress that don't want change and are the problem! "You can't teach an old dog, new tricks." Yep, I'm over 70 and enjoying retirement. Let's put our faith in the younger generation!

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That's one of several reasons the Founders were so opposed to the idea of political parties, at least in theory. (Another reason was the tendency of parties to fuel polarization.) You want people to be elected based on their merits, not "here's a warm body who belongs to my party, so I'll vote for him." Virtually nobody thought Feinstein was an effective legislator in her last years, but she was a known quantity in a blue state, so as long as she was on the ballot she was going to win.

I oppose arbitrary term limits and age limits though. Voters are the best judges of a candidate's fitness. If we could just get rid of hyperpartisanship, the gerontocracy issue would solve itself.

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I agree. Great points. However, you put too much trust in voters to solve the problem. Voters today are influenced by social media and MSM. How do you propose that we get rid of hyperpartisanship?

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Geez, people far more brilliant than me have struggled with that question. There's no one solution. Wean ourselves off social media. Invest more of our energy in local communities instead of national politics. Support non-partisan media. Stop falling for misinformation. In politics, prioritize unity and problem-solving over personalities and entertainment. Protect shared cultural spaces (sports, movies, schools) from excessive politicization. Worship the truth and shun liars. Keep an open mind. De-emphasize political affiliation when constructing your personal identity.

Should be a cinch, right?

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Maybe we're consuming different liberal media, but I haven't seen much downplaying of the concerns over Biden's physical and mental fitness. The special counsel report on Biden was covered wall to wall, and not just on Fox. NYT and WP columnists are calling on Biden not to run. Jon Stewart was relentlessly critical of Biden's fitness (and Trump's) in his return to The Daily Show.

Biden insiders are furious at how much coverage this is getting. Go ask them if they feel like the media is in the tank for their guy.

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NO since the Dems lie too much on this issue & Joe wont take Cogentive test & wont release his medical records.

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