Wow, I thought for sure that my comment would have been ignored but dang! The mustard color is better .

Thank you so much and I hope your case win in court against your sister’s killer

Kat B

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Oh good! I'd heard a couple people say the yellow was hard to read before, but, again, it really was clear on my computer. I also hesitated because it made me change the overall coloring of the pages to the mustard, but I'm glad it makes those clearer.

And thank you. Still fighting that for two more weeks before the hearing.

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The lesson here is that the media needs to be honest about what they know and what they don't.

In this case, some folks in the media were too quick to dismiss a plausible claim that hadn't been proven or disproven, but that public health authorities considered unlikely. And conservatives were too quick to glom onto the theory without direct evidence. Both sides got ahead of the facts and would have been wiser to wait for the facts to emerge. In this case we might not ever know the definitive truth, but the media needs to follow the story wherever the facts lead.

Contrast that with what we're learning about Fox News' conduct after the 2020 election, when commentators were promoting election conspiracy theories that the network knew were false. Tucker Carlson (who privately acknowledged that the election fraud claims were insane) even called for a reporter to be fired for doing her job debunking Trump's lies. And now they're forbidding poor Howard Kurtz from reporting on the scandal.

Prematurely dismissing an unproven theory or pushing a theory you know to be false: They're both bad, but which one's worse?

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Wuhan Virus rigged day 1

Planned since 2001


Been lied to since

& Dems still using for "power"

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Can you use another color than yellow in your email ? Green or blue would be easier to read .

Thank you

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We're trying a darker shade closer to mustard which will hopefully look clearer. On my computer, the other looks fine but hopefully this will work for all of them. Thanks!

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The true gaslighting is calling whatever made people sick, a “virus.” That has been the biggest load of dis- and mis- information in human history. We have been led to believe there are invisible things out there that make us sick. The term, “Virus” was made out of thin air, and in Latin means poison or toxin. This gained energy in 1918 when they called the “Spanish flu” a virus. The best explanation, although many doctors are now agreeing to this, is in the 2 hour movie Murder By Mouth. I cannot do it Justice as there is so much in it. We have never been made sick by a virus, which doesn’t exist, and to keep spreading their “gas lighting” is what keeps people in fear, and able to be controlled enough to believing that this quacksine or any former quacksine will keep anyone safe. Doctors like Andrew Kaufman, Thomas Cowan, Stefan Lanka, Sam and Marc Bailey, Robert, O. Young (PhD), long ago Eleanor Mc Bean, and many others have shown how, what is seen as a virus, is nothing but debris left over when a person’s body has an overload of some toxin and is detoxing. As the body detoxes, getting sick is what happens to the body until it can clear itself of the toxin, and it leaves behind dead debris. They are calling that dead debris, a “virus.”

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It's a virus all right, and it's an ugly spiky little bugger. The science is clear on that.

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No, the spiky thing you see is totally computer generated. They have never isolated a pure thing called a virus. They mix it up with other things, centrifuge it down, stir it up, and call some piece in that mess a virus. Imagine if you take a bunch of ants, roaches, spiders, beetles etc., blend them all up, centrifuge them down, add some dyes, stir it up again…when you take any piece of that out, you have no idea what you have. Check out Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Drs. Sam and Marc Bailey, Dr. Robert O. Young. They have viewed many many articles people send them to prove that theory wrong. Everyone has a flaw and they prove nothing. Watch Murder By Mouth on Bitchute. Watch The Viral Delusion. They invented a virus any time someone got sick and they couldn’t figure out the cause. I realize this goes against everything one learns in the medical schools, but it is built on a false premise. There were all sorts of experiments back in 1918 when the supposed Spanish flu was around. They tried over and over again to infect healthy people with the muscles, exhalations, swabs etc., of sick people. They never infected one person. Germ theory is just that, a theory. It’s all about the terrain. Clean up the terrain and you don’t get sick. But I realize that is tough for people to realize we’ve been fooled for so long. Poor nutrition, EMFs, chemtrails, pesticides all over our food, poor sanitation, unbalanced diet, packaged food diets, 5G, other toxins such as the load in vaccines, can all make you sick. We are practically made up of bacteria, and it keeps us healthy. When toxins or poisons (Latin words for virus) get into our system, we get sick in an effort for our bodies to regain it’s balance. The debris left behind is what they have been calling a virus, and it is nothing but dead material.

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