As a childless cat man, I heartily endorse Vance!

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The way they’re pounding Elon Musk too when he’s overturning such criminal expensive government fraud. And their followers just stick their head in the ground like lemmings heading toward the cliff. “He has POWER and he wasn’t elected”.

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Thank you Ken. Not all heroes wear capes

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If tonight every medical student in America died because of some mysterious illness, would we panic. But if every journalism student were to die, the rejoicing would be immeasurable. The unethical pedantic sycophants pumping out endless crap and claim they are "journalists" have killed the profession.

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Thank you, for the sanity, Ken.

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The American VP cozies up to the far-right German party that caters to neo-Nazis. Then he spouts Putin-esque attacks on European democracy.

And all Republicans can do is pivot to bashing the media? Every time Trump or his people do something unconscionable, you see these same tactics of misdirection, deflection, and whipping up resentment toward an already hated target (immigrants, the media, the far left...)

My late grandfather was an MP who guarded the generals who fought the Nazis in Italy and France. He voted Republican for the rest of his life. He'd be disgusted to see Vance getting into bed with these bastards.

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I disagree with this all.

First, his speech was brilliant and in line with American values. It didn't push a party or a cause except for not trying to silence your political opponent. Did you read it? I did.

Secondly, the media deserves its bashing unabashedly, because here again, they're distorting reality enough that someone like you who's usually pretty reasonable has come to the categorically false "he supports Nazis!" position. It's nonsense and you've fallen for the exact same game plan they play here.

From what I see the AfD is portrayed using similar tactics to how our NYT types treat Republicans here. Trump's a Nazi, Elon's a Nazi, everyone who things we should enforce immigration is a Nazi. I see the exact same BS going on in Europe. (FYI, it was 8 years ago the NYT pretended I was "Russia-like" in a hit job because back then the trendy disgusting thing to call a political opponent was a "Russian" not a "Nazi." Times change quick.)

Finally, the callout to your grandfather is a pretty cheap debating style. Really? You're sure he'd fall for the lastest media lie and be on the side of Germany banning political parties because they're not pro-open borders? (FYI, Germany is now up to 20% foreign born residents now, so it's not a fantasy.) He would cool with pulling people out of their homes and punished for mocking politicians? Or is it an easy rhetorical move to claim the "anti Nazi" ground?

I was named after my Uncle Ken, who was shot to death by Nazis at the end of the war. But I wouldn't be presumptuous enough to predict whether he'd stand on JD Vance, so I'd prefer to debate the issues on their actual merits.


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My grandfather didn't like Nazis, let me tell you. I used to talk politics with him all the time, and he was all for politically isolating neo-Nazis and their ilk, which would include AfD. (Incidentally, he would also be considered a racist by today's standards. These things are complicated.)

And I agree, that NYT piece about you wasn't entirely fair.

On a lighter note, my grandfather used to share fascinating stories about his time in North Africa and Europe. He was a big beefy lumberjack, so they took one look at him and assigned him to the security detail for guys like Patton (whom he disliked for slapping that shell-shocked soldier) and Eisenhower (whom he revered). He loved telling a story about being on sentry duty outside Eisenhower's quarters on Christmas morning when Eisenhower came out with a cup of coffee and said, "Merry Christmas, soldier."

At other times he was assigned to roust hungover GIs from brothels. He used to tell me stories about the questionable grooming habits of French prostitutes that I was waaay too young to be hearing.

I'd love to hear more about your Uncle Ken sometime. Maybe we'll meet up for a beer one of these days. We're in the same neck of the woods.

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AFD are not Nazis you goofball

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My late grandfather was in the UK Home Guard in time of Dunkirk, and he would say… Hmm. I don’t know what he would say. He’s been dead for thirty years.

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This has been the case for a decade at least.

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The “childless cat lady” thing (it’s a well

oiled machine now) resonates because, drum roll, it’s true. It reflect a reality that almost everyone who observes things has seen them first hand. Heck I have one in my family. And through her have observed others. The only way to improve it in getting the Left riled up would be to say “childless left wing cat lady”. But good writers, even those still left at the NYT, know: never add redundant verbiage.

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I mean, the reactions, and continued reactions, all sounds exactly like the reactions of childless cat ladies. Maybe JD was on to something? I’m surprised that women didn’t march on Washington with cat hats.

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Another example: Trump pivots towards Putin, the outrage is nuclear-scale. Vance explicitly says Ukraine’s independence must be guaranteed, barely a word. Nuance is great, unless it favors our enemies. 🤡🤡🤡

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Yes, I loved his speech. It was so nice to hear someone speak the truth instead of apologizing for America.

However, I still remain suspicious of JD Vance Bowmen. He’s like the right wing version of Obama. Both have similar background stories. Both seem manufactured.

Both have gay like stories in their autobiographies. How many times we gonna get owned,

Vance wears to much eyeliner. Vance is Catholic, his wife is Hindu. Is Christianity compatible with Hindu? Well… it would not be for me because Christ is King. The cognitive dissonance is profound.

Anyhoo, I pray for Vance anyways as only God know what goodness or evil is in a man’s heart. Saul to Paul would be a good ending.

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Just a few points of order on this, Te ...

First, JD Vance doesn't wear eyeliner. Yes, the libs had a field day with that, but here's a decent debunking in a Republican-hating outlet: https://slate.com/life/2024/07/jd-vance-eyeliner-lashes-trump-campaign.html

Second, did you read his autobiography? I thought was pretty amazing, especially since he clearly wrote it himself. Here's the "gay like" story you mentioned which I, for one, find utterly charming and authentic:

"Take gay rights, a particularly hot topic among conservative Protestants. I’ll never forget the time I convinced myself that I was gay. I was eight or nine, maybe younger, and I stumbled upon a broadcast by some fire-and-brimstone preacher. The man spoke about the evils of homosexuals, how they had infiltrated our society, and how they were all destined for hell absent some serious repenting.

At the time, the only thing I knew about gay men was that they preferred men to women. This described me perfectly: I disliked girls, and my best friend in the world was my buddy Bill. Oh no, I’m going to hell.

I broached this issue with Mamaw, confessing that I was gay and I was worried that I would burn in hell. She said, “Don’t be a fucking idiot, how would you know that you’re gay?” I explained my thought process. Mamaw chuckled and seemed to consider how she might explain to a boy my age.

Finally she asked, “J.D., do you want to suck dicks?” I was flabbergasted. Why would someone want to do that? She repeated herself, and I said, “Of course not!” “Then,” she said, “you’re not gay. And even if you did want to suck dicks, that would be okay. God would still love you.” That settled the matter.”

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I'm disappointed with the direction Vance has gone post-publication, but Hillbilly Elegy was a smart, heartfelt and totally excellent book.

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I read it only after Trump nominated him. I wasn't keen him before, but only had a cursory knowledge of him. The more I see, the more I like about his character, something we need more of on the political stage.

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Meow. (I’m a guy.)

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And better yet with JD, Our President certainly seems to trust him...

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NYT is too dated & fossilized like LA Times etc

Scrap it

Ex pet parent & I back Vance

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