I’m disappointed in Lauren Boeberts behavior. To blame her divorce is ridiculous. She should just admit she behaved just like a teenager might at a concert, with privilege added.

Anyone in the public eye should know better than to behave like that. Grow up Ms Boebert and act like an adult.

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I dont trust school safety IE staffers, teachers IE hired Pedos, & Indoc Education

Otherwise Yes physical safety

Dont need teacher abuse

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Ken your piece on Barbie was spot on! I heard so many "Conservatives" I know crowing about the "wokeness" of the movie and when challenged (by me) they either shut up or just admitted they never saw the movie.

My adult daughter had seen it twice, loved your piece and also swore you were spot on. I took a fellow female Conservative friend to see it with me (Yes, I wore something pink) and we love it. Of course I could have done just fine without the Trans actors - there is just something not quite right about men dressing/living/convinced they are "women" but hey, that's a topic for another day.

I shared the Hell out of your original piece on Barbie to hundreds of Conservative friends ... whether they liked it or not :-)

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