Excellent commentary Ken. I wonder what percentage of protesters are actually students versus paid troublemakers. University leadership and professors have no one to blame but themselves for creating a hateful environment on campuses across the US. When you teach hate to children you get hateful actions in return. Time to start revoking teaching credentials of professors and institutions who create that sort of environment.

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All good points. I almost barely blame the kids at this point, given the way they've been trained there.

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These student Leftists and “community organizers” agitating hatred for Israel, for Jews, and for Western Civilization in general exemplify the Talmudic dictum that essentially states that those who are merciful to the cruel will be cruel to the merciful. 🧐

See: http://www.acpr.org.il/ENGLISH-NATIV/06-issue/shochetman-6.htm

It’s identical to another twisted vein in which leftwing liberals demonstrate overwhelming concern and sympathy for psychopathic death row mass killers while they could tell you nothing about, nor even shed a single tear for, any of the victims of such murderers.

Lastly, this topic also brings to mind this rather famous quote …

“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”

― Winston S. Churchill

Reference: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/34274-an-appeaser-is-one-who-feeds-a-crocodile-hoping-it

It would seem that agitating pressure groups like “Queers 4 Hamas” are simply feeding ravenous crocodiles … 🐊 🐊🐊

G’day everyone … have a Blessed weekend too. 😏

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They want the West destroyed day 1

& True some of those protestors are paid vs on site students

Shut down the Ivy League

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I would like to share your article. So easy to understand. Thank you.

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