It was a red wave in Florida because Governor Ron Desantis worked on election integrity. You had to show ID to vote, no ballot harvesting and he banned mass mail in voting. He also had an election police force.

I am convinced if the other States did this we would see the true will of the people.

Instead they take days to count while yet more votes show up for you know who

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What...no mention of election integrity and cheating by the Democrat machine?

Look at Arizona...

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Why did L. Graham make the push on abortion before the election. Did he intentionally shoot the Republicans in the foot? Why and does his net worth look different today or will there be other “politics as usual” benefits? Does his behavior define RHINO? Uniparty? It is OUR responsibility to wake up and question EVERYTHING!! The Sleeping Giant is coming to life, AGAIN!

“In God We Trust.”

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Red Wave fizzle sources:

Big Tech block information

Early voters ( see PA)

Indoc voters: Dems

Estd RNC DNC Status quo

Input from China, Russia?

NO United GOP

NO strong leadership

Trump comments on DeSantis DONT Help

GOP division

Mixed bag results

Rerun 2020 for vote counts?

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After doing countless hours of research and watching many videos from mathematicians, 2000 Mules, Mike Lindells movie "Absolute Proof" on how easy it is to JIG the MACHINES IMHO some states obviously CHEATED AGAIN! It doesn't take a rocket scientist from MIT to see what's happening in PLAIN SIGHT! SMH 🤬🤯👀

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Check out Infowars interview with Mike Lindell to see voter fraud in real time.

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To hear Megan Kelly on Daily Wire's election coverage say its OK Republicans lost because she likes a divided government made my head pop... I don't want my government split between people who are scared to wield power, Republicans (failed to: close the border, balance the budget, end Obamacare, end DACA, the list goes on)and people who are trying to brainwash my son into thinking he is a girl so they can slice off perfectly functioning body parts and make him a big pharma customer for the rest of his shortened life. I am insanely frustrated, mostly because I knew none of the election integrity issues from 2020 had been resolved, but also because apparently (see PA) people are so #*@&ing stupid they think zombies make good lawmakers.

Republicans had to do 2 things; focus on what's wrong and why it's the Democrat's fault, & put up better candidates then a zombie. Trump is an no longer an asset to the party, the fact that he picked Oz over Barrnett in the primary was the last stupid, selfish act I will tolerate from him.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis deserves credit for the Florida Election Integrity Law as well! If every state enacted and enforced similar laws, election results would be a lot different. We wouldn't be waiting "possibly weeks" for results to be determined, either.

The Conservative Treehouse posted a convincing argument that Democrats win when they focus on "ballots" rather then "votes" (See link at the end). DeSantis deserves credit for his response to the covid-19 pandemic, and this certainly contributes to his popularity and success, but what about Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer? Her response was disastrous, but she still was re-elected. John Fetterman is a low enthusiasm candidate, but he won in Philadelphia. Arizona is still in limbo as Secretary of State Katie Hobbs oversees... her OWN ELECTION (?!), yet she is currently in the lead despite not participating in debates?

Does it not make sense that Democrats are simply more efficient at getting ballots in? If you can efficiently collect ballots through convenience or other means, debates and persuading voters are irrelevant tactics.


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