I understand where you're coming from, but I think you've missed the point. These clowns drive policies. Us normies laugh or shake our fists over the hypocrisy of flying hundreds of rich people to the closest airport, then flying by helicopter closer, then taking a giant SUV to the pristine mountains to tell poor folks they have to walk or bike to work. But, they push alternative energy with pseudo science and people freeze to death in a cold snap. They want to reduce the world population and remove US citizens' rights (namely our 2A so we can't kick up a fuss when the last of their plans get pushed through). Almost every state has introduced new anti 2A legislation & a bunch of it has passed. Dozens of food processing plants were destroyed last year. They pushed, mandated, coerced, or bribed a large chunk of the population into getting an untested vaccine that seems to be killing a decent percentage of people that took it. Miscarriages & birth defects are exponentially higher since the jabs. And don't forget they actively incourage open borders (which increases ODs) reduces our sovereignty, and undermines our republic. They. Drive. Policy.

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If the WEF was only PR, they wouldn’t have the ability to get the world’s leaders all on board with a single concept. Even during the two World Wars you couldn’t get the entire world to agree on one concept. But the WEF can.


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Agree. There's a good piece by Semafor listing all of the major global events that the Davos crowd has failed to see coming. It's not a sinister cabal. It's just a party where rich folks can talk shop and pretend they're more prescient than they actually are. Yawn.

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Davos is more PR then 007 Spectre

But have biometric security to enter events

wonder why

Need protests outside Davos area

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