Nothing but revived all that MLK Jr stood for wiped out & back to Jim Crow era

Boosted more racisim & the 2020 riots

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It made Me HATE blacks.

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The officer's knee was not placed on Floyd's neck. It was placed on his shoulder, just like in the police training manuals. If you take a few minutes to look (or follow the right social media accounts) you can find the angle nobody in the media shows.

Once you watch Chovin not kneel on Floyd's neck you might ask yourself why that footage wasn't shown.

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There was a period of time at the very end where Chauvin had his knee more on his shoulder blade than his neck. That part occurred as the medics arrived and rolled Floyd’s body onto a stretcher. It was also argued in court


But most of it wasn't that, but this, where it's clearly on his neck: https://i0.wp.com/amsterdamnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Screen_Shot_2020-05-29_at_1.56.42_PM.png?fit=1200%2C774&ssl=1

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As expected, when started by Marxists.

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Am unable to open the video in any format

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4

It opened a link to youtube no problem me. So, if you have certain blockers enabled, that could be the cause of the problem.


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