I'm not surprised the media has avoided it. First, the claims are completely unverified. It's not clear that this guy works for Pfizer (probable), knows its inner workings (questionable), and was doing anything other than talking a big game to impress a date.

Second, Project Veritas hasn't released the unedited videos. I guess its commitment to radical transparency only goes so far. It also has a history of smearing liberals with selective editing.

Third, Project Veritas didn't do the difficult legwork of defining scientific terms like "gain of function" and "directed evolution" and delving into those nuances. That takes time, and I bet competent reporters are doing that right now.

Fourth, Project Veritas collects its information through deceptive tactics that are anathema to the traditional media. The media has become extremely cautious about reporting on material gathered through hacking, theft, fraud and other questionable means.

It hasn't quite been a total blackout. There are some fact-checks out there from Snopes and Newsweek. The Snopes one is excellent. It's also notable that the Daily Mail temporarily took down their initial, overly credulous article. The new story includes Pfizer's response.

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Collusion? Oh NO! NEVER! It’s all very obvious now. The White House, MSM, and Pfizer are in cahoots. We are getting closer to communism every day. As a grandmother of two, I constantly worry for my grandkids and their future.

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